Order your site hierarchy with Crumbs
B3.08 - HoGent zaal
Last year in February, I had a session about Crumbs on the Drupal Developer Days in Brussels,
Using Crumbs To Build A Consistent Hierarchical Site Structure.
More than one year later, I propose to recycle this old presentation for something new and shiny.
This time, we will have
- a Drupal 7 version that works
- a nice codebase with autoloading
- real-world use cases
- a visually improved presentation
- some interesting user feedback from the issue queue, collected over time
- a focus on those things that users tend to struggle with. Especially, the hierarchical prioritization.
- menupoly: use the crumbs trail to determine the active submenu.
- themekey: use the crumbs trail for theme switching.
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